Sunday, November 21, 2010

True Women were to hold the four cardinal virtues

1. Piety - believed to be more religious and spiritual than men

2. Purity - pure in heart, mind, and body

3. Submission - held in "perpetual childhood" where men dictated all actions and decisions

Otello and Desdamona

4. Domesticity - a division between work and home, encouraged by the Industrial Revolution; men went out in the world to 
earn a living, home became the woman's domain where a wife created a "haven in a heartless world" for her husband and 

Desdemona- A Venetian Lady
Emilia- Iagos wife and Desdemona's attendant               Emilia and Iago
Bianca- A women in cyprus in love with Cassio.               Bianca and Cassio

Bianca- "Let he devil Hurt you "....i was a fine foool to take it.... Ypu have it i will take out. In the story Bianca is conventional because she is always demanding something when she comes in the play. She is very realistic like when Cassio got hurt her mood changed wisely like no not my lov dont ed one down. She is a bipolar. 

Desdemona-  She is a unconventional person because she is always in love with Othello no matter if racism is affective and she care if her love is black and she white.\

Emilia- In the tory Emilia is a conventional character because she is always denying something for example when she found that hanger chief she didnt say nothing until the end when they put Cassio on the spit she could of lead things to what happened to Cassio. Id othello knew the truth nothing would of happened otello thought cassio was doing somthing with her love Desdamona.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who Were The Moors

Henry VIII and katherine of Aragon
Example of a couple in the late 1500s
  •   Who were the Moors?

          Moors is another name to call Muslims,Berber or Arabs. This term came from tribes living in Roman Mauritania.

  •    Who were the Venetians?

          Venetians are Italian's who move from Venice Italy. All though way back in the early 1600s the Venetians were very rich and powerful people because they used to get a lot of income threw their famous canals extracting and interacting  trading goods.
  •   How were the Moors/Venetians regarded in Shakespeare's day?
          Moors and Venetians regarded in Shakespeare days were known as big leaders because all there was trading goods and exporting goods from Italy to Roma 
  •  What were the military duties of ranked officers?
           General-A rank of a senior army officer,One that usually commands units larger than a regiment.
           Lieutenant-This is a powerful position that is assigned by the general.This position lets you give orders to other             soldiers that have a lower rank them him
           Marshall-A Marshall is qualified to work for the united state senate for high powers. Marshals are employed to to work two types of executive legal officers.      
  •  What was the role of women?
           During the 16th century women were housewives.Women didn't go to school for education,if the family had the money and time they would home school their daughter.
  •  What was expected of a daughter?
                 Daughters had to listen to what  their fathers told them,if their father said to marry that person they had to do it.

  •   What was expected of a bride?
           In the Renaissance time women were expected to be loyal to their husbands and give birth to only boys
  •   What rules for getting married existed at the time of the play?
         The rules for marriage existed at the time of this play were dealing with god and things not dealing with god. Its more  likely  the same as this century we in now,You marry someone if you wanna be with that person and own property.
  •   What were the rules of courtship?
            In the Shakespeare era marriage was dealing a lot with god. When two people got married they needed to think of a fortune and what's bad about it is that if the parents die the son or daughter that was older keeps the fortune.

Works Cited 
google images

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ITHS Ms.Hyde's E7 and Shakespeare's Othello Blog

-What rules dictate the behavior of men and women in relationships today?

     Some rules that dicate the behavior of men and women are respect,love,dialogue,patience,trust,share and etc.

-Name a situation in which the rules have been clearly violated? That is, what are things “nice girls” or 
“nice boys” just don’t do?

     A situation that rules been clearly violated could be,When a person loses respect for the other person and starts abusing the boy friend or girl friend using physical action  or verbal abuse.

-Why do these rules exist? Do you think they apply locally or even just at your school? What are the 
possible consequences of breaking these rules?

    Rules exist because thats the only way we get along with each other and live in peace. Rules are applied generally in our lives.We suppose to have these rules in our relationships,families everywhere even new friends we meet.Possible consequences from breaking these rules could lead to hate,lost of friendship,fights,

-Do you know if these rules are applicable to other cultures or are they totally different?
Think of scenes from ANY show/movie that adheres to these rules as well as shows/movies that 
violates these rules.

      These rules are applicable everywhere no matter what color you are,religion,background we are all equal.A good show that sticks good with the rules is Everyone Loves Raymond.
A show that doesn't stick to the rules is CSI.

Work Cited
google images

ITHS Ms.Hyde's E7 and Shakespeare's Othello Blog