Tuesday, November 2, 2010

ITHS Ms.Hyde's E7 and Shakespeare's Othello Blog

-What rules dictate the behavior of men and women in relationships today?

     Some rules that dicate the behavior of men and women are respect,love,dialogue,patience,trust,share and etc.

-Name a situation in which the rules have been clearly violated? That is, what are things “nice girls” or 
“nice boys” just don’t do?

     A situation that rules been clearly violated could be,When a person loses respect for the other person and starts abusing the boy friend or girl friend using physical action  or verbal abuse.

-Why do these rules exist? Do you think they apply locally or even just at your school? What are the 
possible consequences of breaking these rules?

    Rules exist because thats the only way we get along with each other and live in peace. Rules are applied generally in our lives.We suppose to have these rules in our relationships,families everywhere even new friends we meet.Possible consequences from breaking these rules could lead to hate,lost of friendship,fights,

-Do you know if these rules are applicable to other cultures or are they totally different?
Think of scenes from ANY show/movie that adheres to these rules as well as shows/movies that 
violates these rules.

      These rules are applicable everywhere no matter what color you are,religion,background we are all equal.A good show that sticks good with the rules is Everyone Loves Raymond.
A show that doesn't stick to the rules is CSI.

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