Sunday, November 21, 2010

True Women were to hold the four cardinal virtues

1. Piety - believed to be more religious and spiritual than men

2. Purity - pure in heart, mind, and body

3. Submission - held in "perpetual childhood" where men dictated all actions and decisions

Otello and Desdamona

4. Domesticity - a division between work and home, encouraged by the Industrial Revolution; men went out in the world to 
earn a living, home became the woman's domain where a wife created a "haven in a heartless world" for her husband and 

Desdemona- A Venetian Lady
Emilia- Iagos wife and Desdemona's attendant               Emilia and Iago
Bianca- A women in cyprus in love with Cassio.               Bianca and Cassio

Bianca- "Let he devil Hurt you "....i was a fine foool to take it.... Ypu have it i will take out. In the story Bianca is conventional because she is always demanding something when she comes in the play. She is very realistic like when Cassio got hurt her mood changed wisely like no not my lov dont ed one down. She is a bipolar. 

Desdemona-  She is a unconventional person because she is always in love with Othello no matter if racism is affective and she care if her love is black and she white.\

Emilia- In the tory Emilia is a conventional character because she is always denying something for example when she found that hanger chief she didnt say nothing until the end when they put Cassio on the spit she could of lead things to what happened to Cassio. Id othello knew the truth nothing would of happened otello thought cassio was doing somthing with her love Desdamona.

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